Programmes Offered/ Course details

 Courses/Programmes offered in College

Various programmes offered at the college strive to develop  an inquisitive bent of mind that can be crucial to the acquisition, creation as well as dissemination of knowledge. The programmes at the college are so conceived as to foster the creation of human resources with knowledge, skill, scientific temper and social commitment. The programme and course outcomes are designed to enhance the competence of the students paving way for the development of their personality. The programmes offered at the college level are structured with a broad objective to cater to the diverse interests, skills and capabilities of the students. These initiatives serve to augment the human capital base.



U.G. Programme Outcomes


Commerce – The programme helps in acquiring knowledge and skills regarding accounting, management, marketing, taxation, investment and legal aspects of starting and continuing a business organisation.

Language and Literature : To know the scope and importance of language and literature. To assess historical and cultural aspects, to develop communicative skills, to compare the traditional knowledge with contemporary wisdom. Language studies help to appreciate classical literature. It imparts a sense of aesthetic and cultural values



English Language and Literature

The programme encourages the students to read the various genres of literature in English    and other languages using the appropriate literary strategies. It helps them acquire a thorough knowledge of the different ages and periods of British literature.

Awareness of the multiple writings of the world such as the postcolonial, exposure to the marginalised and the disenfranchised like the women, Latino and dalit literature, foreign influences in the literature and languages, language families, linguistic aspects like   spelling, pronunciation, morphemes, phonemes and syntax are imparted to the students.

Practical skills of writing and the development of linguistic, cognitive and logical skills in the preparation of academic papers and reports are given to the students.

Hindi Language and Literature

The programme encompasses various aspects of Hindi language and literature such as ancient, medieval and modern Hindi literature. It provides the students with a working knowledge of linguistics and grammar. The study of functional Hindi, translations and journalism help them secure jobs in media and communication. The programme imparts job opportunities in state and central  government services as translators, Hindi offices and interpreters.


The programme creates a batch of well trained professionals to the organisations in the financial services sector.  The programme familiarizes the students with the concepts of recent trends in management and organizational behaviour. It helps to create awareness among the students about an ideal organizational culture. The programme provides a strong base for the students to pursue professional courses like CA, CS, ACCA and CMA. Students will acquire knowledge and skills in decision making, problem solving and business analysis. Students will get the practical skills required for an accountant job, tax consultant, tax consultant and computer assistants.